Netherlands Patients Federation
The Netherlands Patients Federation represents more than 200 patient organisations. We are committed to every person who needs care. We make patients' voices heard in the consultation room, in politics, among health insurance companies and in the news.
Our main topics
- Quality of care
- Patients’ rights
- Healthcare choices and making informed choices
- Affordable care
- Elderly and long-term care
- Digital care
People, not patients!
Together with our members, we marked a point on the timeline: 2030! Far enough away to be able to dream of an idealistic future, close enough to keep both feet on the ground. This look to the future has led to exciting discussions and inspirational meetings – made possible by all the patients and patient representatives who continue to remind us of the differences between people.
We are not all the same, far from it. Hence, not all patients are the same. Some are vulnerable and dependent, while others are more self-aware and not afraid of making their voices heard. That is exactly what the Netherlands Patients Federation and its members want to devote themselves to in the coming years – putting their heart, soul and professionalism into improving lives.
No more patients!
We cherish the lives of people and what they are capable of!
Our five goals for the future. In 2030...
1.... it will be easy for me to live healthily
2.... all my health needs will be within easy reach
3.… healthcare will be aimed at improving my quality of life
4.... I will be able to live independently but will not be alone
5.… I will have access to the very best healthcare
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Read more about our five goals for the future.
Influence on policy
The Netherlands Patients Federation knows what is going well and what can be improved to patients, thanks to its members, the ratings on ZorgkaartNederland (Dutch care map), the information on DigitaleZorggids (digital care guide), the experiences from (‘My quality of life’ website), the input from more than 23,000 care panel members and the questions put to the Nationale Zorgnummer (national healthcare number).
With this knowledge, the Federation and its members exert influence on healthcare policy. The Netherlands Patients Federation gives voice to everyone who needs care now or in the future: in the consulting room, in politics, and in the news.
Rate the quality of health care.
E-health can support you with your health.
Measure the quality of your life.
Information and participation
In order to be able to make choices about care, reliable and clear information is important. That is why we produce e-books, information cards and brochures. (‘I am looking for a patient’ website) is a collaboration between the Netherlands Patients Federation and a large group of patient organisations. This way we formed a large network of patients. We also think about what is needed to introduce the patient perspective in research, conference, interview or focus groups. Within our network, we look for the patient(s) with the appropriate experience and abilities.
Together with the Kennisbank (knowledge database), the Nationale Zorgnummer (national healthcare number) forms the helpdesk and the knowledge centre where everyone in the Netherlands can go for questions and answers. The Nationale Zorgnummer (national healthcare number) informs and refers if necessary. In the Kennisbank (Knowledge Database), people can look up answers for themselves.
'I am looking for a patient’ is a collaboration between the Netherlands Patients Federation and a large group of patient organisations.
The national healthcare number forms the helpdesk and the knowledge centre where everyone in the Netherlands can go for questions and answers.
Netherlands Patients Federation
Orteliuslaan 871 - 1st floor
3528 BE Utrecht
PO Box 1539
3500 BM Utrecht
Telephone number: 030 297 03 03
E-mail: info@patië
Chamber of Commerce no. 40482340